How a Managed VPS hosting Is will help you grow your business

How a Managed VPS hosting will help you grow your business

Talking about website hosting, there are many options that you can go for. You can experiment with various kinds of hosting, maintain the web hosting in different ways, do several permutations and combinations and then avail the service of the one which you found most worthy of. But is it practical? Do you have so much time to invest in? No. And to end your woes  pertaining to a web hosting, the most reliable is a Fully managed VPS web hosting.

To begin with, let us understand what a VPS hosting is and how can you benefit by opting for a managed VPS hosting:

What is a VPS web hosting?

VPS stands for a Virtual Private server. The word ‘virtual’ is rightly used as the original web server is virtually divided into multiple servers. It is called ‘Virtually’ because the physical server is one big complete server. When you look at the server, it is one big server. Physically, the server is not divided. It is the resources that are divided. Every smaller server has its resources like the CPU, the RAM, memory, storage, and an independent control panel.

A website occupies the whole small server. The small server in itself is so well equipped with all the resources that it operates as a server itself. Since the server servers only one website, it has all the benefits of a dedicated server.

The benefits of having a VPS web hosting are:

  • Since the website has all the resources to itself, they can be allocated and reallocated as and when required. This offers a lot of flexibility.
  • Whenever there is an increase in the traffic or a sudden spike in traffic, the server can put to use all the resources. Thus, the website is highly scale-able.
  • Since the web hosting server operates in isolation and is a standalone server, the risk of being attacked or by a malicious program due to the neighboring website or the risk of server come crashing due to unavailability of resources rules out and makes the website highly secure.

A VPS web hosting offers much more features which are very liberating. The best way to optimize and use the VPS hosting you have with you to the fullest is. By going for a managed VPS hosting. A managed VPS hosting enhances all the features of a VPS hosting. When you opt for. Entirely managed VPS hosting, you need not worry about any of the technical issues regarding the maintenance of the server. Here are some of the benefits of going for a Managed VPS described:

  • A team of experts A Managed VPS is a concept wherein you appoint the provider to take care of all the technical issues that mat ever arise in the lifespan of the server. An expert team of IT professional sits at the providers end to monitor the working of the server, to settle all the issues as and when they arise.
  • Since the team is always at work, the best possible uptime for the server is achieved. The managed VPS also keeps all the updates and configuration settings under check. The managed VPS is always updated, and thus you always have a compatible environment to run new software on our system.
  • Being monitored all the time has many benefits of its own. Any technical glitches can be avoided right at the time. This has an excellent performance on your website’s performance. Your website is always up, and a reliable functionality is guaranteed.
  • Being monitored also has another plus point, that is, you can screen the traffic that is on your website and identify suspicious activity. This eliminates the potential threats of being attacked by the DDoS attack, phishing or the man in the middle attack.

A managed VPS hosting is not only a suitable option but also a cost-effective option. When you have a website, you need to maintain it to cater to the visitor. A well-managed web hosting eliminates the possibility of losing out on customers because of lack of resources. It also reduces the costs involved in having an in-house team. When you have an unmanaged web hosting plan, you need to have a team to manage the web hosting. You need to train the team first. Every time you need an upgrade, you need to pay for the system upgrade. If you do not have a managed VPS hosting, your website might be attacked, and you will not know until the whole server crashes down, the cost of recovery is huge in such cases.

Thus when you have a managed VPS hosting, all of these costs are saved and you can increase your business by concentrating completely on your business activity as the burden of maintenance is off your shoulders.

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